Saturday, 12 May 2012

Google says Happy Mother's Day with a heart-warming doodle

Mother's Day is celebrated around the globe to honour mothers and to celebrate the contribution of maternal figures to society. Most countries celebrate the day on the second Sunday of May, while others observe Mother's Day on different days, with 8th March and 21st March as the other popular dates.

The origins of Mother's Day as the world knows it can be traced back to the United States. In 1908 Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in America. She then began a campaign to make "Mother's Day" a recognized holiday in the United States. Her attempts bore fruit in 1914, and since then the day is celebrated every year.

As of date, almost the entire world celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May. This includes Canada, Australia, most parts of Europe, India & other parts of Asia, Brazil & other parts of South America, as well as many countries in Africa.

While commercialization of Mother's Day has disappointed many, it's hardly a new phenomenon, with Jarvis herself becoming an opponent of the holiday due to the rampant commercialization as early as the 1920s.

The animated Google doodle opens with a mother figure in focus. Two kids pop into focus from behind a door and proceed to give their mother a tight hug. The characters then line up to form letters in the Google logo.


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Google says Happy Mother's Day with a heart-warming doodle - Arpit Vimal