Madhya Pradesh Health Department has taken instant step three days after Aamir Khan’s telly show Satyamev Jayate on female foeticide was aired. The debut episode aired on last Sunday created waves throughout and compelled the MP govt to take necessary action. Madhya Pradesh Health Department has suspended the licence of 65 Medical Termination of Pregnancy centers for not submitting their reports on the prescribed form.
The suspension will be annulled if the centers submit their updated forms by Monday. Meanwhile, Aamir Khan will meet Chief Minister of Rajasthan Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday and he is likely to appeal the CM to take necessary action against old cases of female foeticide in his state.
Gehlot on Tuesday tweeted: "Satyamev Jayate is a great and extra ordinary initiative to root out female foeticide. I am eager to have a fruitful dialogue with Aamir on May 9."
In his TV show, the actor had highlighted a seven-year-old sting operation that had exposed cases of female foeticide in Rajashthan.
Aamir in the show appealed to Rajasthan CM to take action against the doctors involved in such nasty crime.
In the coming episodes, many such different trembling stories will be aired.
The suspension will be annulled if the centers submit their updated forms by Monday. Meanwhile, Aamir Khan will meet Chief Minister of Rajasthan Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday and he is likely to appeal the CM to take necessary action against old cases of female foeticide in his state.
Gehlot on Tuesday tweeted: "Satyamev Jayate is a great and extra ordinary initiative to root out female foeticide. I am eager to have a fruitful dialogue with Aamir on May 9."
In his TV show, the actor had highlighted a seven-year-old sting operation that had exposed cases of female foeticide in Rajashthan.
Aamir in the show appealed to Rajasthan CM to take action against the doctors involved in such nasty crime.
In the coming episodes, many such different trembling stories will be aired.
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