The first teaser of Salman Khan starrer ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ was made available online on Thursday night. Directed by Kabir Khan, the film stars Salman and Katrina Kaif in lead roles and has been produced by Aditya Chopra.
The makers had initially decided to release the trailer on Friday at movie theatres with ‘Ishaqzaade’, a Yash Raj film that releases today. The TV and online version was to be released only on Monday. Owing to Salman’s popularity and general curiosity over the film, Yash Raj films decided at the last moment that they would release the teaser on Youtube.
Needless to say, the teaser created immediate buzz online and has already crossed 1lakh hits on Youtube. The excited director, Kabir Khan tweeted, “Thank u for the overwhelming response to #EkThaTiger teaser... There r so many tweets that today its impossible to reply individually... :-)(sic)."
“YouTube view meter jammed within 3 mins of launch,YRF server in danger of crashing,trending 15 mins after launch... That`s Tiger for you :-)(sic)” an excited Khan tweeted moments after posting the link.
The film is based on a RAW agent Tiger (played by Salman) and his love story. Ever since Salman signed the film, there has been quite a buzz around it. The film is going to be Salman and Katrina’s first film after their alleged break up. It is also the first time that Salman is working with Yash Raj films, particularly Aditya Chopra.
Here is a look at the Salman ‘Tiger’ Khan’s new film. We just can’t wait for this one!
Needless to say, the teaser created immediate buzz online and has already crossed 1lakh hits on Youtube. The excited director, Kabir Khan tweeted, “Thank u for the overwhelming response to #EkThaTiger teaser... There r so many tweets that today its impossible to reply individually... :-)(sic)."
“YouTube view meter jammed within 3 mins of launch,YRF server in danger of crashing,trending 15 mins after launch... That`s Tiger for you :-)(sic)” an excited Khan tweeted moments after posting the link.
The film is based on a RAW agent Tiger (played by Salman) and his love story. Ever since Salman signed the film, there has been quite a buzz around it. The film is going to be Salman and Katrina’s first film after their alleged break up. It is also the first time that Salman is working with Yash Raj films, particularly Aditya Chopra.
Here is a look at the Salman ‘Tiger’ Khan’s new film. We just can’t wait for this one!
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