ViewSonic has entered the dual-SIM smartphone arena with the launch of ViewPhone 3 in the Indian market. This entry-level smartphone comes with a 3.5-inch capacitive display and is powered by Android 2.3.We spent some time with the smartphone and it performed decently. Apart from the sub-par display resolution and the laggy 3D UI, the smartphone worked quite well in the brief usage.
Here are some pictures of the device to give you a closer look at the phone while we work on the detailed review.
Key Specifications
Here are some pictures of the device to give you a closer look at the phone while we work on the detailed review.
Key Specifications
- 800MHz single core processor
- 512MB RAM
- 512MB of internal storage
- microSD card support
- 5MP autofocus rear camera
- Dual-SIM card support (GSM+GSM)
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